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how to get paid for design work fast and easy via Geelancer GeeMee best freelancer design marketplace platform

Designers, get paid for your work via Geelancer, fast and easy

Designers, rejoice! You no longer need to ask friends who own a company to issue you an invoice so you could be able to get paid for your work. You can legally charge and get paid for your work – over Geelancer.

We have worked long and hard on all legal, financial and other aspects of our new GeeMee™ service which solves big problems of freelancer today: difficulty to get paid. That is why we created innovative service GeeMee™ which enables clients and designers to work directly, without the need for designers to issue invoices. And we all know how companies love invoices.

Clients are now able, through the GeeMee™ service, to search for designers (by the design category they need, such as a logo & identity), and when they find the one they want to work with, they can start a private GeeMee ™ job (project) where they describe themselves and their brand, design that they need, the compensation for the job successfully completed and the deadline for the designer to complete it.

How to invite client and do a design job over GeeMee™ service on Geelancer?

Designers can invite their clients to get the job done through Geelancer very simply. If you have clients you already work with, you can get payed through GeeMee ™ deals. You need to send your client your unique Geelancer GeeMee ™ link ( where the client will hire you via the “hire designer” option.

How to work with clients and get paid via Geelancer GeeMee

Client will then, after choosing the option “hire designer” fill out the project form and your arranged job price.

Starting a Geelancer GeeMee project working with designer

After that designer will get email notification that he’s got a GeeMee job offer. Designer has to accept the job offer within his user profile option “my jobs”:

My jobs offer accepting on GeeMee Geelancer working with client design job

After the designer accepts the job offer client will get email notification. Then he will need to pay the agreed job offer amount in our escrow. When he does that designer can finish the job and transfer the files.

My jobs on Geelancer GeeMee

In the end, the client has to mark the file exchange as successful when the designer will fill out the prefered payment method: PayPal or wire transfer.

My jobs preview offer description get paid via PayPal wiretransfer

And that’s it. Simple. Easy. Client will get the invoice in order to pay you (through Geelancer), and the designer will get his hard earn money. Without any hassle or problems. All designers have to do now is call their clients and start doing work over at Geelancer.

Good luck Geelancers!


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