You have a secret product that you are preparing to launch into the market and need a great product packaging design, logo and everything for a successful start? Maybe you are starting a new business that will be in a very competitive market with a strong and tight competition? Or planning to start a new website or business, which is still in development, and need a visual identity design and full branding? But you don’t want the competition to know anything about it, you, anything that could endanger your market position? Then you need NDA design contest and NDA protection.
But how do you do that without the competition ever knowing your intentions? By the old-school way, you would need to hire a lawyer, make an NDA contract, and sign it with each individual designer you would work with, before starting working. But there is something much more modern and simple: collaborating with hundreds of fantastic designers, online, within the comfort of your chair, all with full legal NDA protection.
Yes, that is possible, really. Now, easy and simple via NDA online design contests on Geelancer!
Whatever the project, product or design need you might have or need, and you don’t want to keep it far away from hungry and eager competition eyes, there are NDA design contests on Geelancer.
How NDA design contests work?
The method is really very simple. When you are creating a design contest on Geelancer simply choose NDA option.
Then, your published design contest will be hidden from the hungry eyes of the competition. No site visitors or registered clients will be able to see the description (design brief) of your design contest, published works of designers, absolutely nothing, and never will. They just can’t get in there. Forever.
On the other hand, all designers who wish to participate in your design contest must agree, once again, to NDA terms of use of Geelancer services that define NDA competitions. They must never share anything from your design contest.
This way you are protected, and you can continue to develop your secret product, project or company without any chip on your shoulders while working with hundreds of awesome and fantastic designers. In peace and quiet, you will get hundreds of great design ideas to choose from.
Also read: 5 biggest changes on Geelancer