We celebrate 7th #bday! We have spent 7 wonderful years together. Our community has grown to huge 12.000 designers from all around the region. Hundreds of clients, big and small, placed trust in our designers and our Geelancer online design marketplace platform. There are more then 60.000 ideas presented on design contests, and almost 5 […]
Author: Geelancer
Welcome. We provide clients with great quality design. /// Dobrodošli. Mi povezujemo dizajnere sa onima kojima je dizajn potreban.

You won a design contest, now what? 12 practical advices for freelancers
Dedicated to all of you who earn for a living, or want to, by doing freelance graphic design jobs on contest platforms. Limited to freelancers, which, sam as I, focus their skills on logo design, with occasional egress in corporate branding or stationary design. Web and UI designers, trust me, this is not intentional, but […]

3 exciting stories in the life of a designer [Logo tips]
I just wanted to tell you three exciting stories that happened to me in the last few days. As you may now, I am the Head of Design at Geelancer but I am also a freelancer. I love to work, all the time, so I do design jobs for other clients. I just love freelancing so […]